Jesus Is Not Your Security Blanket
As I sat down with a student I was discipling, she boldly said, “It’s okay; I don’t need to worry about my job, because God knows the plans he has for me, and they’re for me to prosper and what not.â€
Learning to Live Simply from People Who Have To
Simplicity and minimalism are buzzwords that come and go, attracting a lot of attention and then fading away again.
The Beauty of Embodiment: How Physical Practices Point Us to Spiritual Truth
My fascination with Lent began with a half-hearted fast when I was a freshman in college.
The Power of Praying the Magnificat Daily
For the last five years, I’ve been a part of a religious community that prays the —Mary’s song of praise upon finding herself pregnant with Jesus—twice a day.
Don’t Miss Out: How Lent Prepares Us for Easter
Among the recurring stress dreams commonly reported by people, perhaps this is the most familiar: you show up at school only to realize that you’ve forgotten about a quiz or final exam.
10 Questions to Ruin Your Dating Relationship (and 10 Better Ones to Ask)
Dating can be one of the scariest, most confusing, and most joyful times of life.