Ethnicity, Reconciliation, and Justice
Living Out God’s Heart for Racial Justice
So how can we grow in living out God’s heart for racial justice?
A $25,000 Matching Grant for Black Staff Flourishing
ÂÌñÒùÆÞ alumni Eddie and Kristen Yoon will match $25,000 of gifts to a special fund for Black Staff Flourishing. These funds will help Black staff for whom raising funds for ministry is an extra challenge due to historic inequities. Below, Eddie and Kristen share their heart.
ÂÌñÒùÆÞ Resolved to Pursue Justice and Reconciliation
Responding to COVID-19—Hope & Hospitality for Internationals
International students or not, we simply don’t have control over the pandemic. But we do have control over how we respond. This is an opportunity to extend and be blessed by friendship.
Through My Lens—Being Christian, Being Hmong
Through contextualization, we can restore the beauty and value of our shared experiences and culture and reorient ourselves to see how our cultural identity relates to our faith in Jesus. Contextualization is more than being able to identify areas that aren’t working well; it’s reengineering structures and systems to cultivate a space and message that are relevant to the people in the room.
Through My Lens—The Master Liberator
I often think about the gospel and how it was presented to me. It was in the country roads of southern Arkansas, where my grandmother sang in the choir of a Black church. It was the hands raised, the strength of the Black women, and the rapping of the pastor that excited my soul. It always struck me that pain, joy, and hope could coexist.
Career or Calling? How Global Urban Treks Changed My Life
Even now, eight years since my last Trek, I constantly recognize how the Treks have taught and shaped me into the person I am today. They weren’t just summer missions trips. They were launching points for lifelong discipleship, where I learned how to persevere and follow God through adversity.
Through My Lens—American Christian Syncretism
All this begs the question: how do we allow the good news about Jesus to take on the beauty and diversity of other cultures without infusing beliefs that are contrary to the gospel?
Through My Lens—Dear Oklahoma
My everyday life carries the thumbprints of the generational traumas, sins, and blessings of our collective stories. The lessons I’ve learned from the matriarchs of my family and our immigration stories shape how I engage with Scripture and the gospel. And as a multicultural, multiethnic, and multiracial woman, I know that stepping into Oklahoma means bringing my family’s stories and lives with me.
Through My Lens—Breaking Out of My Box & Entering Another Culture Well
As I reflect on what contextualization means in today’s world, I believe it is more about who you are rather than the specific things you do.